See a forecast for all Aquarians here. But what more specifics can we add that would apply to just the Aquastells in 2007?
I've heard from over ninety Aquastells who are interested in taking part in a survey about the general characteristics and life experiences of 1962 Aquarians. But before we get the two hundred people required as a minimum sample (please sign on here even if you've emailed me in the past!) I'm hoping that some of you will help talk about the transits we will all encounter this year.
Despite all being born within thirty days in the same year, Aquastells will still have completely different astrology forecasts for this year. Some of us may have Pluto conjunct Moon, Uranus conjunct Midheaven or Saturn on the Ascendant this year. These are the kinds of transits that really scream for attention but they happen in different years for all of us.
It would be so exciting to be able to do a mass forecast prediction for Aquastells. But because we all have our most sensitive chart points (the inner planets and angles) at different degrees, it really is not possible to do this. The only thing we can do is look at some of the less powerful transits that we all share in common.
We all share the same placements of the outer planets. When Aquastells were born, the slower planets were located here;
Pluto was retrograde btw 9.45 and 9.05 in Virgo (less than one degree spread)
Neptune moved between 13.19 and 13.29 Scorpio (less than one degree spread)
Uranus was retro between 29.13 and 28.26 Leo (less than one degree spread)
Saturn moved between 1.54 and 5.25 Aquarius (less than 4 degrees spread)
Jupiter moved between 14.50 and 21.58 Aquarius (a 6 degree spread)
South Node moved from 18.00 to 18.50 Aquarius ( one degree spread)
So all Aquastells will share the following transits;
Once-in-a-lifetime outer planet transits in 2007
Pluto trine Uranus - January, February, March, April, May June, and November and December for all Aquastells. Normally a transit involving two outer planets would not necessarily have huge immediate implications. But because Uranus is so central in the chart of Aquastells, this transit has to be very meaningful. Note also that the transit is amplified in mid December, when Pluto and Jupiter are conjunct in the sky and both trining the natal Uranus of all Aquastells.
Neptune conjunct South Node - all of January for all Aquastells
Uranus trine Neptune - end of January, all of February for all Aquastells
Neptune conjunct Jupiter - for Aquastells born before January 30, this two to three year transit has already almost finished. Aquastells born after 3 February; those whose Sun is in Aquarius between 19 and 21 degrees will feel this transit most strongly this year.
Other outer planet transits in 2007:
Jupiter Trine North Node - mid March through mid May for all Aquastells
Saturn Conjunct North Node - mid March through May for all Aquastells
Saturn Conjunct Uranus - mid August to early September for all Aquastells
Jupiter Trine Uranus - mid December for all Aquastells
The Fleeting Smaller Transits
There are many more transits we will share this year. These smaller transits are fleeting, they typically last only two or three days and often go unnoticed in our lives. But we can just try to track a few of these. It would be fun to share our common experiences of these upcoming transits;
Transiting Sun over natal Uranus
These fleeting transits of Sun over Uranus are of special interest to us. This is because we all share them around the same day every single year of our lives. Because the Sun is the only 'planet' that covers the same degrees of the zodiac each year at the same time, these transits merit our very focused group attention.
Each and every year the transiting Sun conjuncts our Uranus on August 22nd. Every year the transiting Sun squares our Uranus on May 20 and on October 27.
Because Uranus is such an incredibly powerful planet in the charts of Aquastells, this little annual transit of the Sun conjuncting Uranus should really be felt by most of us each year at this time when it happens. Mark August 22nd (and the two day period around it) in your calendars. On this date each year, Aquastells should be especially incredible magnetic to themselves and people around them. The day is filled with unusual events and surprises. Depending on how natal Uranus sits in your individual chart and how strong you are with its energies, this three day period should really stand out for you. Do people have memories of late August standing out in previous years?
Transiting Mars Trine Natal Pluto
In just a couple of days (centering around January 29th) we will all experience a trining transit of Mars over our Pluto. This transit usually brings great energy and the ability to initiate and achieve more than usual. This is a great time to let go of inhibitions and to knock down barriers in your life.
And because Mars is trining Pluto on January 29th this year, those Aquastells who were born close to this date (one or two days on each side) will benefit from this powerful transit energy for the whole year to the extent that it is also reflected in your birthday (solar return) chart.
Transiting Venus Conjunct Uranus
Normally the transit of Venus over Uranus happens once a year and is a two-day fleeting and not necessarily eventful transit. But 2007 is different because Venus will be retrograding and stationary at the last degrees of Leo for a long time. Aquastells will feel the strong impact of stationing Venus conjunct Uranus in the middle two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and for about five days surrounding October 6th. (Note that during August Aquastells also have transiting Saturn conjunct their Uranus so this Venus/Saturn/Uranus activity complicates the picture quite a bit.)
Transiting Venus conjunct Uranus can bring all sorts of unusual social situations into your life. For Aquastells who have very powerful Uranian auras, you may really stand out for other people at around this time as the Venus out there shines on your natal ruling planet.
Here's a detailed list of most of the transits we will share this year.
If this forecast seems really like dry drivel than you must know I wrote it while under the sombering infuence of transiting Saturn weighing down on and opposing my Mercury. So please help me out! This is just a rough view of the transits we can all spend time discussing here this year. See the links to each transit mentioned above and please add your comments! Thanks.
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